....a storyteller....
::Le Writer::
Name:Amehana Chiaki
Pen name: Chie Eve Ayase
Gender: Female

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:: Sunday, August 8, 2010 ::

Title: buncha made-up words.

averros miabochka - Hello

averros miadorche - Good day

averros miavakri - Good bye

averros miapavros - Good evening

averros mianaivine - Good night

averros miamorchi - Good morning

dorche - day

naivine - night

morchi - morning

pavros - evening

vakrie - bye

evaros - every

likra- star

lua - moon

shori - song

shora - sing

Ei - I

fey - for

Ri - you

Hovra - hope

Havra - hoping

Reichta - Return

Te - my

kan - can

teiora - hear

eicht - it

Averros miabochka, Likrapavros. - Hello, evening star.

Evaros naivine, luashori Ei shora fey Ri. - Every night, I sing the moonsong for you.

Havra reichta Ri. - Hoping you return.

Te shori, kan Ri teiora eicht? - My song, can you hear it?

Ei shora fey Ri, te Likrapavros. - I sing it for you, my evening star.

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